SIT is...

The School of Information Technology, formerly known as the School of Engineering, was established under Decision No. 82/QĐ.TTU.12 dated January 4, 2012. It initially focused on training in Computer Science to meet the workforce demands of society, with a development orientation towards expanding into other fields of information technology. The School of Information Technology officially adopted its current name on June 1, 2023, as per Decision No. 70/QĐ-TTU.23 dated June 1, 2023, issued by the Provost of Tan Tao University.

The School's teaching staff consists of full-time and adjunct lecturers. All full-time lecturers hold doctoral degrees and have received advanced training abroad.

Mission - Vision - Core Values - Educational Philosophy

The School of Information Technology specializes in training and fostering high-quality human resources in Information Technology and Computer Science at the undergraduate level. It conducts advanced research and applies Computer Science, Information Technology, and Communication Technology across various sectors in society. The School pioneers in adopting regional and global higher education standards, following the liberal arts and lifelong learning education model.

By 2030, the School of Information Technology aims to become a leading institution in training high-quality human resources that meet labor market demands. It aspires to rank among the top in the nation for education, research, and technology transfer in Information Technology and Computer Science, serving the community. Its academic programs are quality-assured and backed by extensive collaboration with domestic and international organizations.

Maintain a reliable educational environment, where both teaching and learning are of high quality, with students at the center.

Liberal Arts – Lifelong Learning.

Organizational Structure

The organizational structure of the Faculty of Information Technology includes:

  1. The School Council
  2. The School Leadership Board
  3. The SIT Office Department
  4. The SIT Academic Department

The operations are organized as shown in the following diagram:

Quality Policy

The School of Information Technology is committed to:

  1. Delivering education that meets outcome standards, with teaching-learning methods and training management aligned with regional and global education standards.
  2. Enhancing the capacity of faculty members, improving teaching methods, and adopting learner-centered evaluation approaches.
  3. Integrating foreign languages and technology into teaching, learning, and management, addressing the needs of learners, employers, and society.
  4. Providing highly skilled professionals with strong expertise, solid career skills, a sense of responsibility towards individuals, organizations, and communities, and the ability to think progressively, communicate effectively, and work independently or in teams.
  5. Fostering a transparent and open working environment, creating opportunities for all faculty members to maximize their potential.